Saturday, April 25, 2020
On the Terrace: Some great companies will be tabling -visit them at lunch!
ArtistPro represents a movement of contemporary music artists owning the business side of their careers.
Come find out what Pandora Womxn is all about
and how Pandora supports female music artists
WIMN new series called #SheRocksIt will be interviewing women about their amazing careers in the music industry to showcase that women are out here ROCKING IT!
A non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of women and girls in business, education,. music and the fine arts. Pop up concerts and an annual music festival
Hear all about their Concert Career Pathways program and Concerts
A nonprofit organization that encourages equal treatment of women in the music industry
Stern Grove Fest staff will be on site hiring interns for their 2019 Festival!
A live & digital lifestyle brand that connects individuals through the vibes and visions of Hip Hop and parallel communities.
Kombucha tasting station from Kevita
Music & Food 12:30-1:30pm
Stop by the Fiero Flair table to purchase Girl Power swag!